Training Summary Card

Training Summary Card

The TrainingSummaryCard component is designed to display a brief summary of a machine learning training session. It highlights key metrics such as accuracy, loss, epoch, time taken, and model information, with the option to view a full report.

Recent Training Sessions

Training Summary

Model: Neural Network
Type: Neural Network
Dataset: CIFAR-10
Accuracy: 0.95
Loss: 0.12
Time: 2h 34m
Epoch: 50


npx empire@latest add training-summary-card


Prop nameTypeDescription
accuracynumberAccuracy achieved by the model during training.
lossnumberThe loss value obtained during the training process.
epochnumberThe epoch number at which the summary is reported.
timeTakenstringDuration of the training session.
modelNamestringThe name of the model used for training.
modelTypestringType of the model (e.g., Neural Network, SVM, etc.).
datasetUsedstringThe name of the dataset used during the training process.
onViewFullReport() => voidCallback function to view the detailed training report.


  • Displays model metrics such as accuracy, loss, epoch, and time taken.
  • Provides a simple line chart for tracking accuracy and loss over epochs.
  • Allows users to view the full training report by clicking a button.
  • Utilizes animations and responsive design for a sleek and interactive UI.